Spotlight on Diversity, equity and inclusion

Spotlight on Diversity, equity and inclusion

Achieving gender equality might be slow in large organisations but women are making their mark at the entrepreneurial frontier – and being celebrated for doing so. Successful programs like the Cartier Women’s Initiative (CWI) highlight the ability of women business...
Discussion on blended finance

Discussion on blended finance

Last Thursday, Samantha Tedjosugondo was invited to a dinner with the CEO of Convergence, Blended Finance, Joan M Larrea, in Jakarta. Joan Larrea, a world-renowned expert, was in Jakarta to talk about blended finance, which combines public and private capital to...
Gender equality beyond workplace

Gender equality beyond workplace

When it comes to gender equality, transformation can seem a pipe dream, with the World Economic Forum warning the overall gender gap will take 131 years to close at the current rate of progress. Gendered social norms are still deeply ingrained and perpetuate harmful...