The upcoming Scaling up gender-lens financing: A catalytic tool for advancing all SDGs is happening in New York on the 17th of September 2023 hosted by United Nations ESCAP
Our very own Brianna Losoya-Evora, Head of Impact Measurement & Management, will be part of the panel discussion with Mari Kogiso, Kippy, Joseph, Moutushi Sengupta and Karen Miller where insights will be shared on the latest innovations and economic drivers for scaling up Gender-Lens Financing for the SDGs. There will be a Q&A session after the panel discussions. The objective of this session is to showcase the innovative approaches and economic drivers that the private sector is adopting to scale up gender-lens financing for the SDGs.
Registrations for the #SDGActionWeekend close Today, 8 September:
The event will be broadcasted live via UN WebTV: