Vilo, founded in 2017 by Ms Jennike Veronika, Mr Vincent Kusuma and two friends, has quickly become a leading packaged ice cream brand in Indonesia, specialising in premium gelato ice cream. With a commitment to offering high-quality, locally sourced and natural gelato, Vilo has captured the hearts and taste buds of Indonesian consumers.

Central to Vilo’s ethos is the empowerment of women in society. The company actively seeks out local women suppliers for its ingredients and food products, prioritising partnerships with women-owned businesses. Currently, over 50 per cent of Vilo’s suppliers are local, with approximately 36 per cent of them being women suppliers. By sourcing from local women entrepreneurs, Vilo not only ensures the quality and freshness of its ingredients but also contributes to the economic empowerment of women in Indonesia.

In addition to supporting women suppliers, Vilo operates a ‘Doing Well by Doing Good’ program, through which it collaborates with SMEs to offer a range of products in its outlets. By partnering with SMEs, including women-owned businesses, Vilo expands its product offerings while promoting local entrepreneurship and economic development.

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Sweef Capital’s investment in Vilo is driving positive impact by training women to succeed, empowering local women suppliers and reducing waste in the food sector in Indonesia.

SDG Targets

Gender Equality

SDG #5

Decent work and economic growth

SDG #8

Responsible consumption and production

SDG #12

Impact Targets

Vilo aims to accomplish the following impact objectives:

  • Generate more than $3.5 million in revenue for local suppliers per year, including $800,000 for individual, local, women suppliers with the aim of half of its revenue coming from local women suppliers by 2028.
  • Create nearly 300 new full-time positions for women and help place an additional 650 part-time women employees into high-quality, full-time positions by 2028.
  • Having recyclable materials make up 60 per cent of all of its packaging materials.

Gender ROI™

Vilo Gender ROI

Vilo’s Gender ROI™ baseline assessment generated an overall score of 2.7.

Resilience indicators generated a score of 2.83 from strong results in Women’s middle management representation and Gender wage equity and Workforce participation. Areas to improve on include Women’s business ownership and Gender disaggregated data in both value chains and supply chains.

The score for Opportunity indicators is 2.06, which requires action on Gender diversity in recruitment, Gender lens in policies and strategies, Gender-responsive procurement, and Community engagement through corporate social responsibility.

The Inclusion indicators generated a score of 3.48 and areas that need further improvement include Survivor-centred prevention and response to gender-based violence and harassment, and Gender equality beyond the workplace.

Case study