Wendy Fergie, CFA

Australia – New Zealand

Ms. Wendy Fergie shares Sweef Capital’s focus on the investment opportunity to provide growth capital to women-led, minority-led entrepreneurial ventures in both Asia-Pacific, Australia and New Zealand as critical to building sustainable economies in the region.

Over the last 10 years Wendy has been working alongside women entrepreneurs in Australia to identify market failures and champion change in the investment universe to give these businesses the best chance of success. Recognising the severely limited access to capital, networks and advisory Wendy and a number of her colleagues are building a community of supporters to be able to capture the investment opportunity these young businesses offer whilst acknowledging the impact they bring to make the significant improvements in climate, health, care sector, ageing, disability and other key areas that find a greater concentration of women entrepreneurs.

Wendy has been working on the influences of biases, unconscious or conscious to educate and grow awareness on its negative influence on outcomes and success for women entrepreneurs. She has been working on the gender issue in private markets for over 10 years and in seeking further knowledge and networks globally was thrilled to join forces with Sweef Capital.