Sweef Capital Gender ROI™ Practitioner’s Manual to accelerate uptake of gender-responsive practices
June 29, 2023
Sweef Capital has taken the next step in an ambitious program to amplify the focus on business and leadership opportunities for women and girls, launching a Practitioner’s Manual to support its…
SWEEF invests in TEKY to expand access to STEAM education
May 7, 2023
Sweef Capital has announced TEKY, a leading multidisciplinary innovation academy in Vietnam, as its first investment in its Asia-Pacific Women’s Economic Empowerment Fund.
Unique consortium of Pro Mujer, Sweef Capital and Equilo selected to support DFC to deliver on ambitious commitments to gender equity in development finance.
December 1, 2022
Pro Mujer, Sweef Capital and Equilo are partnering with the U.S International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) to implement the 2X Women’s Initiative Technical Assistance Program (the 2X TA…
Andrew Forrest’s family office piggybacks on DFAT Asian Investment
November 14, 2022
Article by James Eyers, Financial Review